
This Revolutionary Little Pod is the Most Affordable, Portable, Eco-Friendly Way to Have Pure Refreshing Water Anywhere

Over 480+ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5-Star Reviews & Counting

"I noticed a significant difference in the taste of my water after a single use..."

Did you know that our water supply – even in the US – is filled with toxins like lead, fluoride, mercury, pesticides, and all sorts of potentially dangerous bacteria and viruses?

Medical experts have been worried about it for years... tap water isn’t just unpleasant, it’s often unsafe.

That’s why I switched to bottled water a long time ago. Not only is it safe, nothing beats the crisp, clear taste of bottled water.

Before you ask: Yes, we did get one of those expensive filters for our home tap, but it still doesn’t beat bottled. Even the leading filter brand doesn’t filter out the contaminants nearly as well as you might think.

But the problem with my bottled water “addiction”?... it’s expensive!

All those bottles add up… I recently estimated I spend about $2,000 per year just on bottled water!

Not only that, those plastic bottles build up a TON of trash in your home. It’s inconvenient, looks horrible, and takes up space.

Even worse, most of that trash ends up in the ocean. As such, our need for water that’s actually drinkable has had a HUGE impact on our wallets… our environment… and our sanity!

Can you relate?

Well, that’s all about to change. American inventor Kent Atherton was determined to find a better solution after one day removing many dozens of used plastic water bottles from his car, most over half full.

He was ashamed and disgusted by this wasteful consumption and inefficiency so he sought out world-renowned microbiologist, Dr Ronald Russell, to help realize his vision of introducing a portable water purifier for everyday use and eliminate the need for single use plastic water bottles.

Fast forward to today: customers are raving and scientists are impressed! In fact, his invention has already earned hundreds of verified 5-Star reviews since being launched. And it WON the Healthy Home Award in 2020.

Plus, it’s been featured in Forbes, Mashable, Digital Trends, NY Post, and Travel & Leisure publications. And achieved the “Top Product Award” on

What is it?

It’s called GOPure Pod: a compact ceramic pod that can purify any source of tap water ANYWHERE in the world in a matter of minutes.

Simply drop the pod into your water – whether it’s in a bottle, glass, pitcher, anything – and it immediately starts purifying your water, removing any potentially harmful contaminants (bacteria, metals, fluoride, lead, arsenic, chemical acid, chlorine, excess iron, E. Coli, general dirt & grit, and so much more!)

And not only do they purify your water, GOPure Pod make your water TASTE amazing, too! (Less metallic and “pool-tasting.” More crisp, refreshing, & delicious.)

Even better, each pod lasts for 6 MONTHS! And since it’s so small, you can take the reusable GOPure Pod with you everywhere you go!

How Does it Work?

To put it simply, GOPure Pod works like a powerful little “magnet” for contaminants. When you drop it in your water it will immediately start to attract and absorb any impurities, toxins, contaminants, and harmful metals.

Using it is easy: 

  1. Pour yourself some water. (Anywhere. In any country.)
  2. Drop the pod into your glass, pitcher, bottle or whatever else you’re using.
  3. Let it absorb all of the contaminants in your water for 2 minutes. (An occasional “swirl” of your glass or bottle will speed up the purification process, too.)
  4. Drink your clean, safe, crisp, and refreshing water - leaving the pod right where it is!

How does it do that? Each GOPure Pod pod is filled with diatomaceous earth – the same materials that have naturally purified water for over 20 million years.

The pod collects and holds all contaminants after each use, so there’s no need to clean or rinse it between uses. Simply drop it in your water bottle or glass of water to use it again over and over.

Even better, a single pod gives you 6 months' worth of delicious, crisp, and clean drinking water – over 264 gallons! Over time, that can spare the Earth up to 2,000 plastic water bottles… not to mention sparing your bank account from hundreds of wasted dollars.

Who is GOPure Pod Good For?

Since GOPure Pod filters BETTER than leading brands and can be taken and used ANYWHERE it's perfect for practically anyone. But its portable, reusable, and long-lasting design is especially good for:

  • The office: The drinking water at my office always had a funny taste – even worse than our tap at home. Now I just keep GOPure Pod in my water bottle for a refreshing crisp taste, problem solved!
  • While on vacation: easily filter drinking water at the airport, hotel rooms, or Airbnb's. When we went to Mexico this fall, we didn’t have to worry about the drinking water, because our GOPure Pods purified every glass we drank!
  • The gym: drop the GOPure Pod in your water bottle whenever you fill it up at the gym or while running at the track, you'll always have safe drinking water for workouts.
  • Better tasting coffee: Yes! You can also use your GOPure Pod in your coffee maker's water container to improve the taste of your coffee (better tasting water = better tasting coffee)!
  • At any restaurant: GOPure Pod is so small and lightweight, it can easily fit inside your purse or pocket - simply drop it in a glass of water wherever you're dining out.

I never expected to find such a reliable way to make our drinking water better-tasting AND safe at the same time.

I’m so relieved to have found GOPure Pod. Whether I’m jet-setting away to Mexico, working at my neighborhood coffee shop, or just enjoying a glass from my tap, I always have my GOPure Pod with me.

It’s not just about the taste, either. You never know what kinds of harmful metals, toxins, and pollutants are hiding in your water.

Bottom Line: GOPure Pod is the clear winner when it comes to your water filtration options. There’s no better way to make sure you — and your family — are drinking the cleanest, safest, and most pure water no matter where you are!

What Else We Love About GOPure Pod

  • It Works Fast  – GOPure Pod starts purifying immediately as soon as you drop it in & takes only two minutes for your drinking water to become safe (and taste delicious!)
  • It's Completely Safe & Natural – GOPure Pod is made in the USA from Earth’s natural elements and safe for the whole family!
  • You Can Use it Anywhere – anywhere in the world, drop GOPure Pod in your: water bottle, glass, pitcher, coffee maker, pet's water bowl, and more!
  • It Saves You $1,000's – not only is it cheaper than most other filter options, a single GOpure Pod purifies up to 2000 water bottles (264 gallons) - that's the equivalent of $1,230 in savings with every Pod you buy.
  • It's Easy to Take Anywhere – GOPure Pod is so lightweight and portable, you can take it with you anywhere you go!
  • It's Maintenance Free – there’s no need to clean it or rinse it between uses AND the filtration system continues to work at peak efficacy for a full 6 months.
  • It's Environmentally Friendly – each Pod conserves up to 2,000 plastic water bottles, helping keep single-use plastic out of our oceans. You’re making a massive difference by switching to GOPure Pod!
  • Their 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee – if for any reason you're not 100% satisfied with GOPure Pod, you can easily return it, hassle-free.

As Seen In

GOPure Pod is starting to make a name for itself, which is no surprise! People everywhere are raving about it! (In fact, GOPure Pod has over 480+ 5-STAR REVIEWS ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)

People don’t just love GOPure Pod because it works, but because it is super easy to use too!

It’s so easy and inexpensive, there’s really no reason not to order your GOPure Pod right now! This is especially true since there’s ABSOLUTELY NO RISK to give the GOPure Pod a try. What I love about this company is that they stand behind their product! Don’t love it? Send it back for a full refund. (But you won’t want to!)

I hadn’t found anything that could help me with this problem until now, and I’m really thankful that I did!

Join the THOUSANDS of people who are enjoying pure, safe, great tasting water anywhere with GOPure Pod!

GOPure Pod has a few SPECIAL LIMITED-TIME DEALS going on right now if you order online using the link below. We can’t guarantee these discounts will be available for long, but we'll update this section if it stops… so if you’re reading this, you’re probably in luck!

Real Reviews From Real Customers:

"Good product and very convenient to own. I can taste the difference in the water using the GoPurePod and find the taste better than my Brita pitcher. I live in a municipal area that has very good tap water, but the GoPurePod still softened it and I can tell the difference. I'm really happy that I bought it especially since I carry my water bottle and fill it up from so many different water sources!" - Mary D.

"I am not sure why this product doesn't have more reviews because it is incredible. I've used a few other similar filtration pods but nothing this small and works as well. Our water is not bad in Arizona but I, and several others, can taste a significant difference in overall taste and crispness. After trying local tap water and tap from other states, it is clear how much this little thing works. I bought one to start for my pitcher and I am purchasing more for individual water bottles. It's really nice to know your drinking just water and nothing harmful. Definitely buy one, you won't be disappointed." - Kristin

"I love this product. I leave it in my water bottle and it makes me feel much better about drinking water when I am traveling or just out. Super simple and easy to use." - Ronny

"I love this. I stick it in my Healthy Human water bottle and off I go. I made the mistake of drinking water from "work" one day and it tasted awful so I invested in one of these and now I'm happy. The water tastes good. Worth every penny. I will definitely buy again" - Jennifer L.

"Really works! My area has extremely hard water with high percentage of chlorine. I have a large 128 ounce water bottle for my daily intake. One of these cartridges cleans all the water in minutes. It lasts for about 6 months before needing to replace. Better and cheaper than Brita." - S. Montoya

"I love having the ease of drinking clean water wherever I go now. Great for when you need to fill up at a drinking fountain or on the go. Always tastes cleaner with this filter." - Jason M.